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Free River Zone NYC


also see Events Goethe-Institut NY

Goethe-Institut Wyoming Building
5 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10003
Wednesday–Sunday 2:00–7:00pm, free entry
(Closed on Sunday April 27th)

Tuesday, April 22, 7 pm, artists talks: (To be confirmed)

David Brooks:

An Amazonian Field Report:
6 rivers, 5 biologists, 4 countries, 3 artists, 2 expeditions, 1 continent


Till Krause
The Free River Zone Hamburg

Wednesday, April 23, 7 pm, artists talks: (To be confirmed)

Ravi Agarwal
Project Y: Public. Art. Outreach


Bob Braine
At play in a slow cooking apocalypse

Saturday, April 26, 7 pm, artists talks: (To be confirmed)

Marie Lorenz
The Tide and Current Taxi
The Tide and Current Taxi is a rowboat water taxi in the New York Harbor, operated by the artist Marie Lorenz. Each trip is planned to coincide with strong tidal currents in the harbor, all documented with pictures and stories on this site:


Group talk
A First Account on the Free River Zone Inquiry

April 29, 2014, 6pm:

Exhibition opening
Free River Zones: An artistic inquiry
with Ravi Agarwal, Bob Braine, David Brooks, Till Krause, Marie Lorenz, and Hilmar Schäfer
Goethe-Institut Wyoming Building
5 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10003

Parallel exhibition opening, April 29, 7pm:

"Unity of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt and the Americas"
presenting Mark Dion's cabinet installation "Humboldt"

Mark Dion Americas Society DSC00511 350.jpg

Americas Society
680 Park Avenue
New York, NY
Further information:

April 30 – May 31, 2014:

Free River Zones: An artistic inquiry
Ravi Agarwal, Bob Braine, David Brooks,
Till Krause, Marie Lorenz, and Hilmar Schäfer
April 30 – May 31, 2014
Wednesday–Sunday 2:00–7:00pm, free entry
Goethe-Institut Wyoming Building
5 East 3rd Street
New York, NY 10003

David Brooks 3b 72 400.jpg
Talk, April 22nd: David Brooks, An Amazonian Field Report
David Brooks 06 72 400.jpg
Talk, April 22nd: David Brooks, An Amazonian Field Report
Till Krause Free River Zone Hamburg 72 400.jpg
Talk, April 22nd: Till Krause, Free River Zone Hamburg
Free River Zone Hamburg Bob Braine Pet Estuary Foto Jonas v d Hude F9Z8885 Detail 72 400-b.jpg
Talk, April 22nd: Till Krause, Free River Zone Hamburg: The river model "Pet Estuary" by artist Bob Braine. (Photo: Jonas von der Hude)
Ravi Agarwal DSC03168 72 400.jpg
Talk, April 23rd: Ravi Agarwal, Project Y: Public. Art. Outreach
Project Y Ravi Agarwal 58-d 72 400.jpg
Talk, April 23rd: Ravi Agarwal, Project Y: Public. Art. Outreach (Photo: Project Y)
Bob Braine Road Sign DSC 1866 detail 72 400.jpg
Talk, April 23rd: Bob Braine, At Play in a Slow Cooking Apocalypse.
Bob Braine Road-Sign Recklinghausen Germany DSC07134 72 400-c.jpg
Talk, April 23rd: Bob Braine, At Play in a Slow Cooking Apocalypse. (Bob Braine: Road sign, city of Recklinghausen, Germany. Photo: Kunsthalle Recklinghausen)
Marie Lorenz Tide-and-Current-Taxi 33 72 400.jpg
Talk, April 26th: Marie Lorenz 2014, Tide and Current Taxi
Marie Lorenz Tide-and-Current-Taxi IMGP4878 72 400.jpg
Talk, April 26th: Marie Lorenz 2014, Tide and Current Taxi
